Monday 22 May 2017

Ignazio Visco Assim Forex Paz

DIÁRIA - Itália até 28 de fevereiro A inclusão de itens diários não significa necessariamente que a Reuters arquive uma história baseada no evento. QUINTA-FEIRA, 26 DE JUNHO, ISTAT divulga os dados das vendas no varejo de novembro (0900 GMT). O Tesouro vende 2,0-2,5 bilhões de euros de obrigações da CTZ em 18 de dezembro de 2018 e 0,5-1,0 bilhões de euros 1,25% de obrigações BTPei em 15 de setembro de 2032. As assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Danieli amp. C. realiza a reunião de acionistas de poupança (1400 GMT). A FCA realiza uma teleconferência nos resultados do Q4 e FY (1200 GMT). Ryanair realiza conferência de imprensa com o CEO Michael OLeary (0900 GMT). STMicroelectronics lança os resultados Q4 e FY, seguido de teleconferência (0830 GMT). SEXTA-FEIRA, 27 DE JANEIRO, o ISTAT divulga os dados de confiança dos consumidores e das empresas de janeiro (0900 GMT) e os dados de inflação dos salários de dezembro (1000 GMT). O Tesouro vende 6,5 bilhões de euros de notas BOT de 6 meses. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Bolonha, diretor executivo do FMI, Carlo Cottarelli, participa do grupo de reflexão Nomisma, apresentação do livro digital The World em 2017 (1200 GMT). Milão, Moodys Credit Trends 2017 (0800 GMT). Modena, o congresso anual Assiom Forex começa no dia 28 de janeiro. Workshop sobre bancos com o diretor-geral do Banco BPM Maurizio Faroni, BPER Banca CFO Roberto Ferrari (1400 GMT). Abitare in Spa realiza reunião geral anual (1500 GMT). A Intesa Sanpaolo realiza uma reunião do conselho no orçamento. Mittel realiza assembléia geral anual (0900 GMT). O MP7 Italia deveria ser retirado da lista. Sábado 28 de janeiro Modena, o congresso anual Assiom Forex termina, com BPER Banca Alessandro Vandelli (0945 GMT) discurso do Governador do Banco de Itália Ignazio Visco (0945 GMT) CEO do Sistema Especialista Stefano Spaggiari, Alessandro Vandelli (1330 GMT) Assembléia Assiom Forex anual (1530 GMT). SEGUNDA 30 DE JANEIRO O Tesouro vende títulos BTP e CCTeu. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Milão, A2A detém fórumAscolto com o presidente Giovanni Valotti, CEO Luca Valerio Camerano (08:30 GMT). A Alerion CleanPower realiza a assembléia geral ordinária (0900 GMT). A Luxottica realiza uma reunião do conselho sobre a receita do FY. TERÇA 31 DE JANEIRO ISTAT divulga os dados de desemprego de dezembro (0900 GMT) e os preços dos produtores (1000 GMT) A Reuters lança uma pesquisa de alocação de ativos de janeiro (1200 GMT). Banzai realiza uma reunião do conselho sobre resultados preliminares do FY, seguido da teleconferência (1400 GMT). BampC Speakers mantém reunião do conselho sobre governança e resultados preliminares do FY (1000 GMT). A CNH Industrial realiza uma teleconferência nos resultados do 4º trimestre e do FY (1530 GMT). A Digital Magics realiza assembléia extraordinária de acionistas (1000 GMT). A Inwit realiza uma reunião do conselho para aprovar os resultados preliminares do FY e o plano industrial 2017-2019, seguido da chamada em conferência. MampC realiza assembléia extraordinária de acionistas (1000 GMT). O grupo Safilo realiza uma reunião do conselho em 2016. QUARTA-FEIRA, 1 DE FEVEREIRO, MarkitADACI lança produção de PMI de janeiro (0845 GMT). O Ministério dos Transportes divulga os dados das vendas de automóveis de janeiro (1700 GMT). Dados do requisito de empréstimo do setor estatal de janeiro. O Risanamento realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do FY. QUINTA-FEIRA, 2 DE FEVEREIRO DE MILHO, UBS realiza um fórum sobre geopolítica, sociedade e investimentos (1415 GMT). A Ferrari realiza uma teleconferência nos resultados do Q4 e FY (1600 GMT). A unidade Fincantieri Fincantieri Oil amp Gas termina a oferta geral de participação na Vard Holdings Limited. SEXTA-FEIRA, 3 DE FEVEREIRO, Markit divulga os dados Pmi do serviço de janeiro (0845 GMT). O ISTAT lança cesta de produtos usados ​​para calcular a inflação em 2017 (0900 GMT) e janeiro Flash CPI e dados do IHPC (1000 GMT). Trani, nova audiência em julgamento sobre alegadas acusações de manipulação de mercado contra a agência de rating Standard and Poors. Piquadro realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do Q3 de vendas. Salvatore Ferragamo realiza o dia do investidor (0900 GMT). Reuniões do conselho sobre os resultados preliminares do FY: Intesa Sanpaolo. Telecom Italia. LUNE FEVEREIRO 6 EI Towers negocia ex-dividendo de 3,60 euros por ação como dividendo extraordinário. TERÇA-FEIRA, 7 DE FEVEREIRO ISTAT publica boletim mensal sobre o estado da economia em janeiro (0900 GMT). O Banco da Itália divulga dados de janeiro sobre o financiamento do Banco Central Europeu aos bancos italianos. O Tesouro anuncia venda de contas BOT de 12 meses, com valores relativos a serem leiloados em 10 de fevereiro. A Vita Societa Editoriale é a assembléia geral ordinária (0830 GMT). Reuniões do Conselho de Administração sobre os resultados do FY: Banco di Sardegna (preliminar), FinecoBank, Nova Re, Yoox Net - Porter (preliminar). QUARTA FESTA 8 DE FEVEREIRO O Tesouro anuncia a venda de títulos BTP, com valores relativos a serem leiloados em 13 de fevereiro. A Coima Res realiza a reunião do conselho nos resultados do FY. A Mediobanca realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do primeiro trimestre. Primi Sui Motori realiza assembléia ordinária e extraordinária de acionistas (1400 GMT). Reuniões do conselho sobre resultados preliminares do FY: Banca Sistema seguido de teleconferência, Credito Emiliano. QUINTA-FEIRA, 9 DE FEVEREIRO O Bank of Italy divulga os dados de dezembro sobre os empréstimos bancários e as participações em títulos do governo nacional em bancos com sede em Itália. Mediobanca realiza teleconferência nos resultados do primeiro trimestre (0745 GMT). Reuniões do conselho sobre resultados preliminares do FY: Banca Finnat. Banca Ifis seguido de teleconferência, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banca Popolare di Sondrio. Banca Profilo, Buzzi Unicem, Credito Valtellinese, Enel seguido de teleconferência, Gefran (0900 GMT), Recordati seguido de apresentação de analistas, UBI Banca, UniCredit, Unipol e UnipolSai, seguidos de teleconferência. SEXTA-FEIRA, 10 DE FEVEREIRO, ISTAT divulga os dados de produção industrial de dezembro (0900 GMT). O Tesouro vende contas BOT de 12 meses. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Banca Generali realiza reunião do conselho sobre os resultados preliminares da FY, seguida da teleconferência (1300 GMT). SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 13 DE FEVEREIRO O Tesouro vende títulos BTP. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Aeffe realiza uma reunião do conselho sobre resultados preliminares do FY. Edison realiza reunião geral anual TERÇA-FEIRA 14 DE FEVEREIRO ISTAT lança dados instantâneos do PIB do Q4 (0900 GMT). Industrial Stars of Italy 2 realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do H1. Reuniões do conselho sobre os resultados do quarto trimestre: Interpump Group, Sabaf, seguem a chamada em conferência (1400 GMT). QUARTA SEMPRE 15 DE FEVEREIRO O Banco da Itália divulga dados de dezembro sobre finanças públicas, empréstimos estaduais e dívidas. Milão, conferência sobre dívida privada e private equity com o CEO do Banco BPM, Giuseppe Castagna (1600 GMT). A IMA apresenta resultados preliminares do FY. Reno De Medici realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do quarto trimestre. Reuniões do conselho sobre os resultados do FY: Basic Net (preliminar), Giglio Group. QUINTA FEIRA 16 ISTAT libera dados de comércio exterior de dezembro (0900 GMT). SEXTA-FEIRA, 17 DE FEVEREIRO BB Biotech realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do FY (preliminar em 20 de janeiro). SEGUNDA-FEIRA 20 DE FEVEREIRO O Tesouro anuncia venda de títulos da CTZ e BTPei, com valores relativos a serem leiloados em 23 de fevereiro. MARÇO 21 DE FEVEREIRO Assogestioni espera liberar dados dos fluxos de fundos de janeiro. O Tesouro anuncia a venda de contas BOT de 6 meses, com valores relativos a serem leiloados em 24 de fevereiro. Reuniões do conselho nos resultados do FY: Banca Mediolanum (0900 GMT), seguido da teleconferência, Intesa Sanpaolo (resultados preliminares do FY em 3 de fevereiro). QUARTA SEMPRE 22 DE FEVEREIRO ISTAT lança dados CPI e HICP finais de janeiro (0900 GMT). O Tesouro anuncia a venda de títulos BTP e CCTeu, com valores relativos a serem leiloados em 27 de fevereiro. Vittoria Assicurazioni realiza reunião do conselho sobre os resultados preliminares da FY. QUINTA-FEIRA 23 DE FEVEREIRO O ISTAT divulga os dados das vendas no varejo de dezembro (0900 GMT). O Tesouro vende títulos de CTZ e BTPei. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Reuniões do conselho sobre resultados preliminares do FY: Saipem seguido de teleconferência, Salini Impregilo. SEXTA-FEIRA, 24 DE FEVEREIRO A ISTAT lança anotações em dezembro e dados de vendas (0900 GMT) e dados de confiança de consumidores e empresas de fevereiro (1000 GMT). O Tesouro vende contas BOT de 6 meses. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. I Grandi Viaggi realiza a assembléia geral ordinária (0900 GMT). Stefanel realiza assembléia geral extraordinária (1000 GMT). Reuniões do Conselho de Administração sobre os resultados do FY: Banco di Sardegna (preliminar em 7 de fevereiro), Cerved seguido de teleconferência. SEGUNDA-FEIRA 27 DE FEVEREIRO ISTAT divulga dados de comércio exterior não-UE de janeiro (0900 GMT). O Tesouro vende títulos BTP e CCTeu. Assinaturas fecham às 1000 GMT. Reuniões do conselho sobre os resultados do FY: Piaggio, Prima Industrie, Sogefi. Terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro, o ISTAT lança dados CPI de fevereiro e dados do IHPC (1000 GMT). A Reuters espera lançar a pesquisa de alocação de ativos de fevereiro (1200 GMT). Biesse realiza uma reunião do conselho para aprovar o plano de negócios 2017-2019. A Digital Bros realiza uma reunião do conselho nos resultados do primeiro trimestre. Reuniões do conselho sobre os resultados do FY: Amplifon seguido de teleconferência, Campari seguido de teleconferência, Eni (comunicado de imprensa em 1 de março), IGD, Moncler, seguido de teleconferência. Atualização do mercado de mercado 30Mai14 Esta manhã, o dólar é comercializado principalmente mais baixo contra a maioria Das principais moedas, antes do lançamento dos dados de consumo e gastos pessoais dos EUA, juntamente com poucas palestras de alguns dos principais funcionários do Fed. O EUR está a negociar mais alto em relação ao USD, apesar do recente lote de lançamentos econômicos suaves da Alemanha e da Itália. Também um decisor do BCE, o Ignazio Visco indicou que o banco central está preparado para agir se a previsão da inflação nas zonas do euro permanecer abaixo do objetivo de inflação do BCE 2.0 nos próximos dois anos. O JPY ganhou terreno como um salto no índice de preços ao consumidor do Japão, em abril, reduziu a especulação para uma medida de estímulo adicional pelo BoJ. No entanto, o FMI instou o banco central japonês a optar por medidas mais agressivas para evitar que a Abenomics falhasse. Ontem, na sessão de Nova York, o dólar foi negociado principalmente mais baixo contra as moedas-chave, depois que o PIB dos EUA caiu mais do que o esperado 1,0 no primeiro trimestre. Separadamente, o presidente do Fed do Kansas City, Esther George pediu à Fed que eleve suas principais taxas de juros nitidamente logo que ele termine sua medida QE para minimizar os riscos nos mercados financeiros. No Reino Unido, o vice-governador do BoE, Charlie Bean opinou que aumentar as taxas de juros em pequenas etapas do bebê poderia mitigar os riscos de complicações no futuro. Esta manhã às 9h40 GMT, o EUR está sendo negociado em 1.3615 contra o USD, 0,10 mais alto do fechamento de Nova York. Mais cedo, os BCE Ignazio Visco insinuaram que os decisores políticos estão prontos para atuar se a perspectiva de inflação permanecer abaixo do alvo dos bancos centrais 2.0 nos próximos dois anos. Em dados econômicos, as vendas no varejo na Alemanha inesperadamente diminuíram em abril, enquanto os preços de consumidor e produtor da Italys perderam as expectativas do mercado. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em um máximo de 1.3618 e um baixo de 1.3600. Ontem, o EUR trocou um pouco mais contra o USD na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 1.3601. Espera-se que o par encontre o primeiro suporte em 1.3598 e a primeira resistência em 1.3629. Às 9h40 GMT, a GBP é negociada em 1.6736 contra o USD, 0.11 mais alto do fechamento de Nova York. No final da quinta-feira, o Gfk informou que seu índice sobre a confiança dos consumidores do Reino Unido melhorou para uma leitura de nove anos de alta em maio, enquanto um decisor do BoE, Charlie Bean opinou que elevar as taxas de juros em pequenas etapas do bebê poderia ajudar o BoE a evitar enganar. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em uma alta de 1,6759 e um mínimo de 1,6718. Ontem, a libra britânica trocou marginalmente mais alto em relação ao dólar na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 1.6718. O par é esperado para encontrar o seu primeiro suporte em 1.6708 e primeira resistência em 1.6761. O USD está negociando em 101,63 contra o JPY às 9:40 GMT nesta manhã, 0,11 mais baixo do fechamento de Nova York, quando este avançou em meio à especulação de que o BoJ não aumentaria suas medidas de estímulo depois que a taxa de inflação do consumidor coreano do Japão subisse para 23 - alto nível em abril. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em uma alta de 101,77 e um mínimo de 101,55. Na sessão de Nova York ontem, o USD negociou um pouco mais alto contra o JPY e fechou em 101,74. O par é esperado para encontrar o seu primeiro suporte em 101.42 e primeira resistência em 101.84. Esta manhã às 9h40 GMT, o USD está negociando em 0.8964 contra o Franco suiço, 0.17 mais baixo do fechamento de Nova York. Na notícia econômica, o indicador principal do KOF da Suíça registrou queda pelo terceiro mês consecutivo em maio. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em uma alta de 0,8984 e um mínimo de 0,8966. Ontem, o USD terminou a sessão de Nova York frente ao CHF e fechou em 0.8979. Espera-se que o par encontre o primeiro suporte em 0.8950 e a primeira resistência em 0.8981. Às 9h40 GMT, o USD está sendo negociado em 1.0826 contra o CAD, 0.12 abaixo do fechamento de Nova York. Os comerciantes esperam ansiosamente a liberação dos dados do PIB de Canadas por outras pistas no dólar canadense. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em uma alta de 1.0843 e um baixo de 1.0831. Ontem, o USD negociou 0.19 abaixo do CAD na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 1.0839, quando este avançou após dados mostraram que o déficit da conta corrente de Canadas diminuiu para C12.4 bilhões no primeiro trimestre, o menor desde o final de 2011. O par é esperado para encontrar o seu primeiro suporte em 1.0810 e primeira resistência em 1.0856. O AUD está negociando em 0.9310 contra o USD, às 9h40 GMT nesta manhã, 0.05 mais alto do fechamento de Nova York. Os dados divulgados durante a noite mostraram que o valor dos empréstimos em circulação para o setor privado australiano aumentou 0,5 em relação ao mês anterior em abril. Durante a sessão, o par negociou em uma alta de 0.9329 e um baixo de 0.9306. O AUD negociou 0,24 em relação ao USD na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 0.9305. Espera-se que o par encontre seu primeiro suporte em 0.9279 e a primeira resistência em 0.9335. Às 9h40 GMT, o ouro é negociado em 1254,00 por onça, 0,12 mais baixo do fechamento de Nova York. Esta manhã, o ouro trocou em 1259,60 e um mínimo de 1252,00 por onça. Na sessão de Nova York de ontem, o metal amarelo negociou 0,07 maior e fechou às 1255,50, uma vez que os dados do PIB norte-americano sem brilho alimentaram a demanda de ativos seguros. Enquanto isso, um intermediário líder expressou uma visão otimista a curto prazo sobre os preços do ouro em meio a tensões geopolíticas em curso na Ucrânia. O ouro tem seu primeiro suporte em 1250,27 e a primeira resistência em 1259,17. A prata é negociada a 19.01 por onça, 0.13 abaixo do fechamento de Nova York, às 9h40 GMT desta manhã. Esta manhã, a prata trocou em uma alta de 19,09 e uma baixa de 18,94. A prata trocou 0.77 mais alta em relação ao USD na sessão de Nova York, e fechou às 19.03, rastreando os ganhos nos preços do ouro. A prata tem seu primeiro suporte em 18.83 e a primeira resistência às 19.14. Às 9h40 GMT, o petróleo está negociando em 103,14 por barril, 0,40 abaixo do fechamento de Nova York. Esta manhã, o petróleo negociou um máximo de 103,53 e um mínimo de 103,07. Ontem, o petróleo negociou 0,50 maior na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 103,53, beneficiando de uma forte queda nos estoques de gasolina dos EUA e uma queda na produção de petróleo da Libyas. No entanto, um aumento mais do que esperado de 1,7 milhões de barris nos suprimentos de petróleo dos EUA na semana passada, manteve as perdas de commodities sob controle. Tem seu primeiro suporte em 102,52 e a primeira resistência em 103,85. As vendas a retalho alemãs aumentaram mais do que o esperado em abril Em uma base anual, as vendas no varejo na Alemanha aumentaram 3,4 em abril, após uma queda revisada de 1,1 registrada no mês anterior. Os mercados esperavam que as vendas no varejo aumentassem 1,5 em abril. Em uma base mensal, o índice de preços no produtor da Italys caiu 0,3 em abril, em comparação com uma queda de 0,2 registrada no mês anterior. Os mercados esperavam que o índice de preços no produtor diminua 0,2 em abril. O índice italiano de preços no consumidor caiu inesperadamente em maio. Em termos mensais, o índice preliminar de preços ao consumidor na Itália caiu 0,1 em maio, comparado ao aumento de 0,2 no mês anterior. Os mercados esperavam que o índice de preços ao consumidor permanecesse inalterado em maio. Em termos mensais, o índice de preços ao consumidor normalizado da UE na Itália caiu 0,1 em maio, em comparação com 0,5 aumento no mês anterior. O déficit em conta corrente da Espanha diminuiu em março O déficit da balança corrente da Espanha diminuiu para 1,8 bilhões em março de um déficit de 2,8 bilhões registrado no mês anterior. O indicador principal do KOF suíço declinou inesperadamente em maio O indicador econômico líder da KOF na Suíça declinou para um nível de 99,8 em maio, em comparação com uma leitura revisada de 101,8 relatada no mês anterior. Os mercados esperavam que o indicador principal do KOF subisse para 102,1 em maio. O Fed deve aumentar as taxas de juros de forma acentuada, indicou o Presidente do Banco Federal da Reserva Federal da Kansas City, Esther George, declarou que o banco central deveria começar a aumentar as taxas de juros logo após acabar com seu programa de compra de ativos. George também opinou que o Fed deveria aumentar as taxas de juros de forma mais acentuada do que alguns dos seus colegas políticos esperam. O Japão pode ter que manter uma política de política solta por um período prolongado, indicaram funcionários do FMI do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) opinaram que, dada a inflação cada vez mais acelerada no Japão, o Banco do Japão talvez não precise expandir suas medidas de estímulo monetário no futuro próximo. As encomendas de construção no Japão aumentaram acentuadamente em abril. As encomendas de construção no Japão aumentaram 104,9 em abril, em comparação com uma queda de 8,8 registrada no mês anterior. Além disso, o início da habitação no Japão caiu menos do que o esperado em 3.3 em abril, após um declínio de 2,9 registrado no mês anterior. O crédito do setor privado na Austrália aumentou mais do que o esperado em abril. Em abril, o crédito do setor privado na Austrália aumentou 4,6 em abril, em comparação com um aumento de 4,4 registrado no mês anterior. Os mercados esperavam que o crédito do setor privado na Austrália subisse 4,5 em abril. Atualização semanal de Forex O dólar começou a semana em uma nota positiva na parte de trás de relatórios macroeconômicos encorajadores que sugeriram que a economia dos EUA está no caminho da recuperação. Além disso, os comentários de alguns decisores da Federal Reserve (Fed) sinalizaram que o banco central pode elevar as taxas de juros mais cedo do que o esperado. O dólar também encontrou apoio das crescentes tensões na Europa Oriental, depois que o recém-eleito presidente ucraniano se comprometeu a tomar medidas para controlar os separatistas na parte leste do país. No entanto, o USD ficou sob pressão na segunda metade da semana, depois que o sentimento do consumidor dos EUA e os dados de gastos pessoais decepcionaram os comerciantes. Além disso, o Departamento de Comércio dos EUA revelou que a economia das nações se contraiu mais do que o esperado no primeiro trimestre de 2014. Os dados dos EUA revelaram que as novas encomendas de bens duráveis ​​fabricados aumentaram inesperadamente em abril. Os preços das casas avançaram mais do que o esperado em março e a confiança dos consumidores no país melhorou conforme esperado em maio. A atividade comercial no setor de serviços dos EUA saltou para seu nível mais alto em mais de dois anos em maio, enquanto a atividade comercial da área de Chicago aumentou para um máximo de sete meses. O Departamento de Trabalho dos EUA revelou que as reivindicações pela primeira vez para benefícios de desemprego caíram mais do que o esperado para a semana encerrada em 24 de maio. O chefe do Fed do Kansas, Esther George opinou que o Fed deveria começar a aumentar as taxas de juros logo após a conclusão da atual rodada de Compra de títulos, e esse aumento nas taxas deve ser mais íngreme do que as expectativas. Enquanto isso, o presidente do Fed de Richmond, Jeffrey Lacker, declarou que o Fed poderia aumentar as taxas de juros dos EUA em torno do segundo trimestre do próximo ano. Apesar da falta de disparadores domésticos, o euro avançou contra o dólar a semana passada. O presidente do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), Mario Draghi, assegurou aos investidores que o banco permanece atento aos riscos de um período prolongado de baixa inflação e expressou disposição para agir se necessário. Em um desenvolvimento positivo durante o fim de semana, o primeiro-ministro espanhol, Mariano Rajoy, anunciou que o governo lançará um pacote de gastos no valor de mais de 8 bilhões na próxima semana para apoiar o crescimento e criar mais empregos. A libra caiu 0,46 contra o USD e 0,49 contra o euro na semana passada, em meio à falta de gatilhos domésticos do Reino Unido. Os participantes do mercado aguardam intensamente o PMI e os dados de habitação no Reino Unido esta semana. Além disso, a reunião da política monetária do Bank of Englands (BoE) será observada de perto para indícios sobre a futura orientação política. Os metais preciosos, o ouro e a prata caíram mais de 3 na semana passada e registraram uma perda mensal, em meio a sinais de que a economia dos EUA está melhorando e que a demanda por metais diminuiu na China, o maior consumidor. Além disso, os funcionários do Fed continuam a expressar seu apoio ao banco central dos EUA para elevar as taxas de juros, mais cedo do que o esperado. Na semana passada, o EUR negociou marginalmente mais alto em relação ao USD e fechou em 1.3635, apesar do lançamento de dados econômicos principalmente decepcionantes da região euro. Os dados indicaram que o número de desempregados na Alemanha aumentou inesperadamente, enquanto a taxa de desemprego permaneceu inalterada em maio. A inflação anual enfraqueceu em Espanha e Itália, aumentando a pressão sobre o BCE para revelar medidas não convencionais. O índice líder do CB na zona do euro diminuiu em abril, após um aumento nos dois meses anteriores. Além disso, o crescimento da oferta monetária na região diminuiu em abril e os empréstimos ao setor privado continuaram sua tendência descendente. Durante a semana, o presidente do BCE, Mario Draghi, assegurou aos investidores que o banco central fará tudo o que for possível no seu mandato para combater as pressões deflacionistas e aumentar a recuperação na zona do euro. Durante a semana, o par negociou em um máximo de 1,3670 e um baixo de 1,3585. O par deverá encontrar seu primeiro suporte em 1.3590, com o próximo suporte esperado em 1.3545. A primeira resistência é em 1.3675 e a próxima em 1.3715. Em meio ao crescimento lento e à baixa inflação na região, os participantes do mercado aguardam o resultado da reunião de política do BCE nesta semana. Além disso, os números finais do PMI de fabricação e serviços das economias européias, juntamente com os dados finais do PIB da zona do euro, atrairão a atenção do mercado. Na semana passada, o GBP negociou 0,46 abaixo do dólar e fechou em 1.6755. Em notícias econômicas, as aprovações de hipotecas no Reino Unido diminuíram pelo quarto mês consecutivo em abril. Enquanto isso, a pesquisa de comércio distributivo decepcionou os comerciantes, já que o crescimento diminuiu mais do que o esperado em maio. O par negociou em uma alta de 1.6883 e um mínimo de 1.6693 na semana anterior. O GBPUSD deverá encontrar seu primeiro suporte em 1.6671, com o próximo em 1.6587. A resistência existe primeiro em 1.6861, e depois em 1.6967. À frente desta semana, os investidores manterão uma guia nos dados domésticos do PMI e do setor de moradias para maiores informações sobre a saúde do mercado imobiliário das nações. Além disso, a reunião de política monetária da BoE agendada na quinta-feira será observada de perto para obter dicas sobre a futura orientação política. O USD negociou 0,20 abaixo do JPY na semana passada, fechando em 101,77. O dólar americano começou a semana em uma nota positiva, após o lançamento de dados econômicos melhores do que o esperado nos EUA. No entanto, os gastos pessoais e os dados do sentimento do consumidor na sexta-feira e um número fraco do PIB dos EUA divulgado na quinta-feira, levaram os comerciantes a se afastarem do dólar americano. Enquanto isso, a demanda por Yen continuou sendo sustentada por expectativas diminuídas por mais estímulos pelo Banco do Japão (BoJ), depois que o banco indicou no início deste mês que seu programa de estímulo tem funcionado como pretendido. Nas notícias econômicas, a produção industrial no Japão mergulhou em abril, enquanto a inflação subjacente nacional no Japão subiu 3,2. As vendas no varejo no Japão caiu 4,4 ano em abril em 11,01 trilhões. O par negociou em alta de 102,16 e um mínimo de 101,42. O par é esperado para encontrar o seu primeiro suporte em 101.40, com o próximo suporte esperado em 101.04. A primeira resistência é em 102,15, e a próxima em 102,53. Além das sugestões externas, os comerciantes ficariam atentos nesta semana em dados econômicos japoneses, que incluem o PMI dos serviços Markit, líder do índice econômico e coincidente. O USD negociou 0,07 abaixo do CHF e fechou em 0.8952 na última semana. O franco suíço avançou depois que dados indicaram que o PIB de Switzerlands cresceu a uma taxa anualizada de 2,0, auxiliada por uma balança comercial positiva e fortes investimentos na indústria da construção civil. Em termos trimestrais, a economia cresceu 0,5 nos primeiros três meses do ano. Separadamente, o superávit comercial aumentou para CHF2,43 bilhões em abril, de CHF1,99 bilhões em março. As exportações cresceram 0,6 (MoM), de um declínio de 1,1 em março. O indicador principal do KOF caiu pelo terceiro mês consecutivo até uma leitura de 99,8 em maio. Durante o período, o par negociou em uma alta de 0.8991 e um baixo de 0.8933. O primeiro suporte é 0.8926 e o ​​próximo em 0.8901. A resistência existe primeiro em 0.8984, e depois em 0.9017. Durante o último curso desta semana, os participantes no mercado analisariam os dados suíços da inflação dos preços no consumidor, que poderiam ser um determinante-chave para o franco suiço. Além disso, os dados de produção industrial do primeiro trimestre suíço e os números PMI da fabricação SVME para maio também serão assistidos. Apesar dos dados de crescimento canadenses sem inspiração, o Loonie terminou mais alto na semana passada, aumentando 0,14 contra o USD para fechar em 1,0846. O dólar foi negociado mais alto na primeira metade da semana, como pedido de bens duráveis ​​melhor do que o esperado e serviços de dados PMI da demanda suportada pelos EUA para o USD. No entanto, o sentimento triste do consumidor em maio e primeiro trimestre os dados do PIB caiam o ganho de dólares. O dólar norte-americano ganhou terreno contra o seu país canadense na sexta-feira, depois que o Canadá informou que a economia canadense desacelerou mais acentuadamente do que o esperado no primeiro trimestre de 2014, já que um inverno severo na América do Norte diminuiu a construção de moradias, gastos de negócios e exportações. USDCAD trocou um máximo de 1.0888 e um baixo de 1.0820 na semana anterior. O primeiro suporte é 1.0815, com o próximo em 1.0783. A primeira resistência é em 1.0883, enquanto a próxima é 1.0919. À frente desta semana, os investidores têm o seu prato cheio com uma série de dados econômicos, incluindo comércio, habitação, emprego e índice de fabricação Ivey, programado para lançamento do Canadá. Além disso, a reunião da política do Banco das Canadas continuará a ser crucial. O AUD negociou 0,86 maior em relação ao USD na semana passada e fechou em 0,9310. Nas notícias econômicas, o índice líder da Westpac na Austrália caiu 0,5 (MoM) em abril, em comparação com uma mudança fixa registrada no mês anterior. Além disso, as despesas de capital privado diminuíram mais do que o esperado 4,2 (QoQ) no primeiro trimestre de 2014, em comparação com uma queda 4,5 revisada registrada no trimestre anterior. As vendas de casas novas na Austrália subiram 2,9 em abril, em comparação com um aumento de 0,2 no mês anterior. O Australian Bureau of Statistics informou que, em uma base trimestral desestacionalizada, o trabalho de construção realizado na Austrália subiu 0,3 no primeiro trimestre de 2014, contra as expectativas de declínio de 0,5. Durante a semana, o par negociou em uma alta de 0.9331 e uma baixa de 0.9211. O primeiro suporte é em 0.9237 e o próximo em 0.9164. A primeira resistência é em 0.9357, e a próxima em 0.9404. Os comerciantes acompanharão o comércio australiano, a licença de construção e os dados do PIB do primeiro trimestre nesta semana. Além disso, a decisão da taxa de juros do Reserve Bank of Australias será no radar dos investidores. Na semana anterior, o ouro mergulhou 3,31 em relação ao USD e fechou em USD1249,73, uma vez que a ordem dos bens duradouros e os dados semanais de reclamações de desempregados dos EUA mantiveram o suporte garantido. Além disso, os comentários de alguns proeminentes fabricantes de políticas do Fed reforçaram a demanda do mercado pelo USD. No entanto, o metal amarelo reduziu suas perdas depois que os dados mostraram que a maior economia do mundo se contraiu no primeiro trimestre de 2014 e o índice de sentimento do consumidor caiu mais do que o esperado. O metal amarelo trocou um máximo de 1294,41 e um mínimo de 1242,33 na semana anterior. O ouro deve encontrar apoio em 1229.90 e o próximo em 1210.08. A primeira resistência é em 1281,98, enquanto a próxima é em 1314,24. Os comerciantes aguardam o resultado da reunião da política monetária do BCE e dos bancos centrais do Reino Unido, Austrália e Canadá. Além disso, os dados econômicos dos EUA, em particular as folhas de pagamento não agrícolas, gerarão interesse no mercado. Os preços do petróleo negociaram 1.57 abaixo do dólar na semana passada e fecharam em USD102.71, quando os estoques de petróleo bruto nos EUA aumentaram. O American Petroleum Institute reportou um aumento de 3,5 milhões de barris nos estoques de petróleo bruto comercial dos EUA. Os analistas tinham projetado um ganho de 500 mil barris nos suprimentos de petróleo dos EUA. Além disso, a Energy Information Administration indicou que os estoques de petróleo dos EUA aumentaram 1,7 milhão de barris na semana passada, o que é superior às expectativas dos analistas de um aumento de 1,0 milhão de barris. No entanto, a escalada da violência na Ucrânia e as persistentes preocupações sobre as perspectivas do fornecimento da Libyas, manteve as perdas das commodities sob controle. O petróleo trocou um máximo de 104,50 e um mínimo de 102,40 na semana anterior. O petróleo tem seu primeiro suporte importante em 101.91, enquanto o próximo suporte existe em 101.10. A primeira resistência é em 104.01, e a próxima às 105.30. Na semana seguinte, os investidores manterão uma guia nos dados da folha de pagamento não agrícola dos EUA para obter mais indícios sobre a força do mercado de trabalho. Os dados de fabricação das economias européias e da China também serão um determinante chave a curto prazo para os preços do petróleo bruto. Atualização do Mercado de Forex 04Jun14 Esta manhã, o dólar está negociando principalmente mais alto em relação à maioria das principais moedas, à frente do US ADP e dados do serviço PMI. O EUR está a negociar mais baixo, já que o último lote de soft PMI dados da zona euro e seus países membros pesaram sobre as perspectivas de crescimento da região, aumentando a especulação de que o BCE aliviaria ainda mais sua política monetária em sua reunião programada para amanhã. No entanto, o PIB no bloco monetário de 18 países aumentou a um ritmo anual esperado no primeiro trimestre de 2014. A GBP reduziu algumas das suas perdas iniciais depois que a Markit Economics informou que as atividades no setor de serviços do Reino Unido continuaram a permanecer no território de expansão no mês passado , Mesmo quando o PMI marcou uma leitura de 58,6 em maio, de 58,7 em abril. Ontem, na sessão de Nova York, o dólar foi negociado principalmente mais alto em relação às moedas-chave, já que as encomendas de fábrica nos EUA aumentaram por um terceiro mês consecutivo em abril. Adicionando ao sentimento otimista foram comentários de Feds Esther George, que pediu ao banco central que eleve sua taxa de juros em um ritmo mais rápido e rápido. Em um evento notável, Bertrand Badre, Diretor Geral dos Bancos Mundiais, indicou que, apesar do severo inverno severo nos EUA e do prolongado baixo nível de inflação na zona do euro, o banco não espera uma grande mudança na previsão de crescimento global de 3.2 este ano. Esta manhã às 9h40 GMT, o EUR está sendo negociado em 1.3614 contra o USD, 0,10 mais baixo do fechamento de Nova York. Nas notícias econômicas, o PMI composto pelas zonas do euro diminuiu mais do que o esperado em maio, mas permaneceu no território de expansão pelo décimo primeiro mês consecutivo. Separadamente, os dados confirmaram que o PIB dos blocos de euros aumentou a um ritmo esperado no primeiro trimestre. Durante a sessão, o par trocou em uma alta de 1.3630 e um baixo de 1.3607. Ontem, o euro negociou 0,06 abaixo do dólar na sessão de Nova York e fechou em 1.3628. Espera-se que o par encontre o primeiro suporte em 1.3593 e a primeira resistência em 1.3642. Às 9h40 GMT, a GBP está sendo negociada em 1.6736 contra o USD, 0.08 abaixo do fechamento de Nova York. No entanto, a GBP reduziu algumas das suas perdas iniciais depois que os dados revelaram que as atividades no setor de serviços do Reino Unido desaceleraram a um ritmo mais lento do que o esperado em maio. Mais cedo, hoje, os preços das lojas do BRC no Reino Unido caíram no décimo terceiro mês consecutivo no mês anterior. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.6750 and a low of 1.6705. Yesterday, the British Pound traded a tad lower versus the Dollar in the New York session, and closed at 1.6749. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.6700 and first resistance at 1.6770. The USD is trading at 102.61 against the JPY at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.07 higher from the New York close. Data released overnight showed that Japans service sector PMI rose to a reading of 49.3 in May, just short of the 50.0 threshold mark of expansion. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 102.81 and a low of 102.54. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.14 higher against the JPY, and closed at 102.54. The pair is expected to find its first support at 102.33 and first resistance at 102.85. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 0.8967 against the Swiss Franc, a tad higher from the New York close. Amid lack of major economic releases from the Swiss economy, later today, traders would eye global economic news for further cues in the currency pair. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.8984 and a low of 0.8964. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.06 higher against the CHF, and closed at 0.8965. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.8951 and first resistance at 0.8984. At 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 1.0936 against the CAD, 0.25 higher from the New York close. Market participants keenly await the BoCs interest rate decision and Canadas trade balance data for further guidance in the Loonie. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.0944 and a low of 1.0911. Yesterday, the USD traded 0.10 lower against the CAD in the New York session, and closed at 1.0909. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.0911 and first resistance at 1.0952. The AUD is trading at 0.9273 against the USD, at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.06 higher from the New York close, as data revealed that Australias GDP rose at its fastest pace in nearly two years in the first quarter of 2014. Separately, the AiG reported that activities in Australian service sector improved but failed to enter the expansion territory in May. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9300 and a low of 0.9258. AUD traded 0.11 higher against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 0.9267. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.9244 and first resistance at 0.9301. At 9:40 GMT, Gold is trading at 1245.90 per ounce, marginally higher from the New York close. This morning, Gold traded at a high of 1247.10 and a low of 1243.70 per ounce. In the New York session yesterday, the yellow metal traded marginally higher, and closed at 1245.30, as a weakness in the US equity markets bolstered the safe-haven appeal of the metal. Gold has its first support at 1241.43 and first resistance at 1249.13. Silver is trading at 18.80 per ounce, 0.05 higher from the New York close, at 9:40 GMT this morning. This morning, Silver traded at a high of 18.84 and a low of 18.74. Silver traded 0.08 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 18.79, amid soft demand for industrial metals. Silver has its first support at 18.71 and first resistance at 18.88. At 9:40 GMT, Oil is trading at 103.42 per barrel, 0.60 higher from the New York close. Earlier today, reports showed that Libyas daily oil output increased as protests at its Zelten and Raguba oil fields ended. This morning, Oil traded at a high of 103.44 and a low of 102.69. Yesterday, Oil traded 0.24 higher in the New York session, and closed at 102.80, as the API reported a more-than-expected 1.4 million barrels decline in the US crude inventories last week. It has its first support at 102.62 and first resistance at 103.83. UK services PMI declined less than expected in May Markit services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in the UK eased to a reading of 58.6 in May, compared to a reading of 58.7 reported in the previous month. Markets had expected the index to decline to a reading of 58.2 in May. Euro-zone PPI declined as expected in April On an annual basis, the producer price index (PPI) in the Euro-zone fell 1.2 in April, in line with market estimates and compared to a 1.6 decline recorded in the previous month. Euro-zone economy grew in line with the preliminary estimate in Q1 2014 On a seasonally adjusted quarterly basis, the GDP in the Euro-zone rose 0.2 in the first quarter of 2014, in line with the preliminary estimate and compared to a similar pace of rise recorded in the previous quarter. Euro-zone composite PMI declined more than the preliminary estimate in May Markit final composite PMI in the Euro-zone declined to a reading of 53.5 in May from a level of 54.0 recorded in April, more than the preliminary estimate of a level of 53.9. Meanwhile, the final services PMI in the Euro-zone rose to a reading of 53.2 in May from a level of 53.1 recorded in April, but less than the preliminary estimate of a level of 53.5. German services PMI increased less than the preliminary estimate in May Markit Economics reported that the final services PMI in Germany rose to a reading of 56.0 in May from a level of 54.7 recorded in April, but less than the preliminary estimate of a level of 56.4. Frances final services PMI declined more than the preliminary estimate in May The final Markit services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in France declined to a reading of 49.1 in May, more than the preliminary reading of 49.2, compared to a the final reading of 50.4 in the previous month. Italian services PMI increased in May Markit Economics reported that the services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in Italy increased to a reading of 51.6 in May, compared to a reading of 51.1 reported in the previous month. Spain services PMI fell in May The Markit services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in Spain declined to a reading of 55.7 in May from a reading of 56.5 in the previous month. Australia GDP rose more than expected in the Q1 2014 On a seasonally adjusted annual basis, GDP in Australia rose 3.5 in the first quarter of 2014, more than market estimates of a rise of 3.2 and compared to a revised 2.7 increase recorded in the fourth quarter of 2013. China leading index rose in April The leading index in China rose to a level of 100.11 in April, compared to a revised reading of 99.75 recorded in the previous month. Forex Market Update 05Jun14 This morning, the greenback is trading lower against most of the major currencies. The EUR is trading higher against the USD, benefited from a better-than-expected Euro-zone retail sales and German factory orders data for April. Looking forward, traders keenly await ECBs June policy decision. The GBP is trading higher ahead of the BoEs interest rate and asset-purchase decision. Yesterday, a BoE official, Richard Sharp hinted that recovery in the domestic economy still remains fragile in nature, despite the latest batch of UK economic releases showing otherwise. In Japan, BoJs Takehiro Sato opined that the BoJ should opt for a flexible policy approach in its path towards price stability, in order to achieve a sustainable growth. He further added that Japan-like disinflationary trend might now stay for a prolonged period of time in the Euro-zone. Yesterday, the greenback traded higher against major counterparts in the New York session, following strong economic releases from the US service sector and after the Fed Beige book noted that all of the US 12 regions grew at a modest to moderate pace. However, another report showed that job creation in the US private sector slowed in May. The CAD lost ground as the BoC kept its interest rate unchanged at 1.0 and highlighted the need for a weaker Loonie to boost Canadas exports. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the EUR is trading at 1.3613 against the USD, 0.10 higher from the New York close, with focus on the ECBs interest rate decision. On the economic front, retail sales in the Euro-zone registered their strongest annual growth in seven years in April while German factory orders rebounded on a month-on-month basis. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.3618 and a low of 1.3597. Yesterday, the EUR traded 0.21 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 1.3600. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.3591 and first resistance at 1.3638. At 9:40 GMT, the GBP is trading at 1.6769 against the USD, 0.19 higher from the New York close, ahead of BoEs policy decision. In other economic news, UK Halifax house prices rose at the fastest month-on-month pace since October 2002 in April. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.6770 and a low of 1.6737. Yesterday, the British Pound traded 0.16 lower versus the Dollar in the New York session, and closed at 1.6737. A BoE policymaker, Richard Sharp, indicated that, despite the recent upbeat economic releases from the UK economy, the economy still remains in a fragile position. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.6742 and first resistance at 1.6783. The USD is trading at 102.48 against the JPY at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.23 lower from the New York close. Earlier today, BoJs Takehiro Sato urged the central bank to opt for a flexible monetary-policy approach in order to attain price stability while warning that the Euro-zone economy might possibly slip into Japan-like deflationary trap. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 102.74 and a low of 102.49. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.22 higher against the JPY, and closed at 102.72. The pair is expected to find its first support at 102.35 and first resistance at 102.70. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 0.8958 against the Swiss Franc, 0.16 lower from the New York close. Traders are expected to keep a close tab on global economic news for further cues in the currency pair, amid lack of economic releases from the Swiss economy. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.8979 and a low of 0.8956. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.17 higher against the CHF, and closed at 0.8972. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.8945 and first resistance at 0.8975. At 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 1.0935 against the CAD, 0.06 lower from the New York close. Traders keenly await Canadas building permits and Ivey PMI data for additional cues in the loonie. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.0958 and a low of 1.0937. Yesterday, the USD traded 0.16 higher against the CAD in the New York session, and closed at 1.0942, as the latter declined after the BoC kept its interest rate unchanged at 1.0 while expressing concerns on Canadas economic growth-outlook. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.0913 and first resistance at 1.0957. The AUD is trading at 0.9287 against the USD, at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.11 higher from the New York close. Data released overnight showed that Australia unexpectedly posted its first monthly trade deficit since November 2013 in April as imports of capital and consumer goods rose sharply. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9291 and a low of 0.9265. AUD traded marginally lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 0.9277. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.9266 and first resistance at 0.9300. At 9:40 GMT, Gold is trading at 1244.30 per ounce, a tad lower from the New York close, as traders keenly await ECBs policy decision for further guidance in gold prices. This morning, Gold traded at a high of 1245.20 and a low of 1241.70 per ounce. In the New York session yesterday, the yellow metal traded 0.21 lower, and closed at 1244.40, amid broad gains in the US Dollar. However, holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust rose by 1.8 tons to 787.08 tons on Tuesday. Gold has its first support at 1240.83 and first resistance at 1248.63. Silver is trading at 18.77 per ounce, 0.16 lower from the New York close, at 9:40 GMT this morning. This morning, Silver traded at a high of 18.83 and a low of 18.73. Silver traded 0.19 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 18.80, hurt by a stronger US Dollar and amid soft demand for industrial metals. Silver has its first support at 18.70 and first resistance at 18.86. At 9:40 GMT, Oil is trading at 102.25 per barrel, 0.20 lower from the New York close. This morning, Oil traded at a high of 102.47 and a low of 102.12. Yesterday, Oil traded 0.76 lower in the New York session, and closed at 102.42, as easing tensions in Ukraine bolstered supply-outlook of the commodity. However, EIAs weekly report, indicating a 3.4 million barrels fall in the US crude supplies, kept the commoditys losses in check. It has its first support at 101.68 and first resistance at 103.25. UK Halifax house prices rose more than expected in May The Halifax house price index in the UK rose 3.9 in May, following a revised decrease of 0.3 recorded in the preceding month. Markets were expecting Halifax house price index to rise 0.7 in May. Euro-zone retail sales rose unexpectedly in April On a monthly basis, seasonally adjusted retail sales in the Euro-zone rose 0.4 in April, compared to a revised 0.1 rise recorded in the previous month. Markets were expecting retail sales to remain steady in April. German factory orders rebounded more than expected in April On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, factory orders in Germany climbed 3.1 in April, compared to a 2.8 decline in the previous month. Markets were expecting factory orders to rise 1.4 in April. France unemployment rate remained unexpectedly steady in the Q1 2014 The ILO unemployment rate in France remained unchanged at 10.1 in Q1 2014, compared to a revised similar rate recorded in the previous quarter. Markets were expecting the ILO unemployment rate to rise to 10.3 in Q1 2014. Japan economy likely to continue with moderate recovery trend, indicated BoJs Sato A Bank of Japan (BoJ) board member, Takehiro Sato, opined that Japans moderate economic recovery is likely to resume from summer, supported by a gradual recovery in the nations exports. Sato further indicated that the central bank must conduct its monetary policy in a flexible manner, keeping a close watch on developments in the nations economic growth and inflation. Sato also stated that the disinflationary trend in the Euro-zone might be prolonged, primarily in the peripheral nations. Australias trade balance unexpectedly swung to a deficit in April Australias seasonally adjusted trade balance unexpectedly swung to a deficit of A122.0 million in April, compared to a revised surplus of A902.0 million recorded in the previous month. Markets had expected a trade surplus of A510.0 million in April. China Markit services sector activity declined in May According to Markit Economics, the services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in China fell to a level of 50.7 in May from a level of 51.4 reported in the previous month. Forex Market Update 06Jun14 This morning, the greenback is trading mostly lower against most of the major currencies. Earlier today, Fed Governor, Jerome Powell opined that the central banks forward guidance on interest rates has supported economic growth in the US. The EUR is trading lower amid a mixed batch of economic releases from Germany. However, German Bundesbank, in its bi-annual report, projected the economy to expand at an annual pace of 1.9. Yesterday, the Euro came under pressure for a brief period of time after the ECB imposed negative interest rates and introduced measures to encourage lending in the bloc and stimulate recovery in the region. Yesterday, in the New York session, the greenback traded mostly lower against the key currencies, hurt by a more-than-expected rise in the weekly US jobless claims benefits for last week. Negative sentiment was also fuelled as Feds Narayana Kocherlakota urged the central bank to keep its interest rate low for nearly next 5 years to achieve congressionally mandated goals. In the UK, the BoE kept its monetary policy intact for another month by keeping its interest rate unchanged at 0.5 and maintained the size of its QE package at 375.0 billion. Following the G7 meeting, Japans Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe expressed confidence in economic recovery of Japan despite the recent sales-tax hike in April. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the EUR is trading at 1.3630 against the USD, 0.23 lower from the New York close. Earlier today, Bundesbank raised its 2014 growth forecast on the Germany economy, further adding that Euro-zones largest economy is on a robust growth path. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.3666 and a low of 1.3631. Yesterday, the EUR traded 0.91 higher against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 1.3662, paring its initial losses, triggered by ECBs decision to ease its policy further. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.3532 and first resistance at 1.3700. At 9:40 GMT, the GBP is trading at 1.6815 against the USD, a tad higher from the New York close. Earlier today, data showed that Britains trade deficit widened in April while a BoE survey reflected that inflation expectations in the economy dropped to their lowest levels for more than four years. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.6822 and a low of 1.6806. Yesterday, the British Pound traded 0.29 higher versus the Dollar in the New York session, and closed at 1.6814. The BoE decided to keep its policy measures unchanged for another month at its June policy meeting. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.6749 and first resistance at 1.6853. The USD is trading at 102.37 against the JPY at 9:40 GMT this morning, marginally lower from the New York close. Early morning, data showed that Japans leading economic index declined by 0.5 point to 106.6 while its coincident indicator fell by 3.4 points to 111.1 in April. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 102.46 and a low of 102.29. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.15 lower against the JPY, and closed at 102.43. Yesterday, following the G7 meeting, Japans PM, Shinzo Abe expressed confidence in the recovery of his nation, despite the recent sale-tax hike. The pair is expected to find its first support at 102.15 and first resistance at 102.67. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 0.8934 against the Swiss Franc, 0.21 higher from the New York close. On the economic front, consumer prices in Switzerland increased for the first time in four months in May as Swiss industrial production rose at faster pace in the first quarter. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.8934 and a low of 0.8913. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 1.01 lower against the CHF, and closed at 0.8915. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.8882 and first resistance at 0.9012. At 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 1.0924 against the CAD, marginally lower from the New York close. Traders keenly await Canadas employment data for further cues in the Canadian Dollar. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.0930 and a low of 1.0914. Yesterday, the USD traded 0.08 lower against the CAD in the New York session, and closed at 1.0925. In economic news, Canadian building permits rose for the first time in three months in April while the seasonally adjusted Ivey PMI in Canada unexpectedly contracted in May for the first time in five months. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.0900 and first resistance at 1.0955. The AUD is trading at 0.9351 against the USD, at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.16 higher from the New York close. Overnight, the AiG performance of construction index in Australia improved in May. Meanwhile, the World Bank opined that reforms in Chinas fiscal and financial sector would enable the nation to achieve its 2014 growth target and eliminate its debt problems. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9359 and a low of 0.9329. AUD traded 0.23 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 0.9336. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.9301 and first resistance at 0.9380. At 9:40 GMT, Gold is trading at 1253.80 per ounce, slightly higher from the New York close. This morning, Gold traded at a high of 1256.90 and a low of 1252.90 per ounce. In the New York session yesterday, the yellow metal traded 0.15 lower, and closed at 1253.40, as a leading broking house slashed its price projections of the yellow metal for 2014-2015. However, earlier, gold prices advanced after the ECB introduced fresh stimulus measures in the Euro-zone economy. Gold has its first support at 1244.03 and first resistance at 1260.73. Silver is trading at 19.09 per ounce, 0.24 higher from the New York close, at 9:40 GMT this morning. This morning, Silver traded at a high of 19.15 and a low of 19.03. Silver traded marginally lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 19.05, tracking losses in gold prices. Silver has its first support at 18.79 and first resistance at 19.27. At 9:40 GMT, Oil is trading at 102.67 per barrel, 0.20 higher from the New York close. This morning, Oil traded at a high of 102.75 and a low of 102.32. Yesterday, Oil traded 0.20 higher in the New York session, and closed at 102.43. However, prospects of easing supply-concerns in the Ukraine-Russian region and a rise in Libyas output capped the gains in the oil prices. It has its first support at 101.93 and first resistance at 103.08. UKs total trade deficit widened more than expected in April The total trade deficit of the UK widened to 2.5 billion in April from a revised deficit of 1.1 billion recorded in the previous month. Markets had expected the UKs total trade deficit to widen to 1.5 billion in April. UKs consumer inflation expectations declined, indicated BoE The consumer median inflation expectations for the next 12 months in the UK declined to 2.6, compared to a rate of 2.8 recorded in February survey. German trade balance widened more than expected in April The seasonally adjusted trade surplus in Germany widened to 17.7 billion in April from a revised surplus of 15.0 billion recorded in the previous month. Markets had expected Germanys trade surplus to widen to 15.1 billion in April. German industrial production rose less than expected in April On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, industrial production in Germany rose 0.2 in April, compared to a revised 0.6 decline recorded in the previous month. Markets were expecting the seasonally adjusted industrial production to rise 0.4 in April. German labor costs rose at a slower pace in the first quarter of 2014 On a working day adjusted annual basis, labor costs in Germany rose 1.1 in Q1 2014, compared to a revised 2.2 increase in the previous quarter. Frances trade deficit narrowed unexpectedly in April Trade deficit of France narrowed to 3.9 billion in April from a revised deficit of 4.9 billion recorded in the previous month. Markets had expected Frances trade deficit to widen to 5.0 billion in April. Swiss foreign currency reserves rose in May Switzerlands foreign currency reserves rose to CHF 444.35 billion in May, compared to reserves of CHF 438.95 billion recorded in the previous month. On a monthly basis, the consumer price index in Switzerland increased 0.3 in May, compared to a 0.1 rise reported in the previous month. Markets were expecting the consumer price index to rise 0.2 in May. Swiss industrial production rose at a faster pace in Q1 2014 On a working day adjusted annual basis, industrial production in Switzerland rose 0.5 in Q1 2014, compared to a revised 0.3 increase recorded in the previous quarter. Japan preliminary leading economic index declined in April The preliminary leading economic index in Japan fell to a level of 106.6 in April, compared to a reading of 107.1 reported in the previous month. Meanwhile, Japans preliminary coincident index also fell to a level of 111.1 in April, compared to a reading of 114.5 reported in the previous month. Australias foreign exchange reserves rose in May Australias foreign exchange reserves rose to A 65.1 at the end of May 2014 from A 62.1 billion of reserves recorded at the end of April 2014. Weekly Forex Update The greenback recorded losses against most key currencies last week. Even though jobs data pointed to a continued recovery in the US labor market, market participants were slightly disappointed. The non-farm payroll employment rose by 217,000 jobs in May, missing analysts expectations for a rise of 218,000. Initial jobless claims rose to 312,000 from the previous weeks revised level of 304,000. Analysts had expected claims to climb to 310,000. A separate report revealed that private sector payrolls in the US rose less-than-expected in May. Moreover, the greenback also came under pressure, after Minneapolis Fed President, Narayana Kocherlakota, stated that the central bank would need to keep interest rates low for a longer time, citing the inability of the central bank to meet its goals of maximum employment and 2 inflation targets. The European Central Bank (ECB) policy meeting dominated currency markets last week, as the central bank took bold initiatives to counter deflationary pressures and boost the regions economy. The ECB cut its interest rates to 0.15 and became the first major central bank to charge fees on deposits. The Euro came under pressure for a brief period after the rate announcement. However, comments from the ECB President, Mario Draghi, lifted the common currency against the USD. The ECB chief stated that interest rates in the region have reached their lowest levels and signaled that he was prepared to go further if necessary and may employ extraordinary easing measures including bond-buying program, if economic outlook in the region worsens further. The GBP recorded gains against the USD last week. As anticipated, the Bank of England (BoE) left its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0.5, while maintained its asset purchase program steady at 375 billion in its monetary policy meeting. The Swissy advanced against the USD, after consumer price inflation in Switzerland rose more-than-expected in May, recording the biggest rise since September 2011. Moreover, the Swiss Franc spiked against the EUR, after the ECB loosened its policy stance to lift inflation in the Euro-zone, taking pressure off the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to defend the EURCHF currency cap. The Canadian Dollar backpedalled against its US counterpart, after the Bank of Canada (BoC) Governor, Stephen Poloz kept interest rates unchanged and stated that economic conditions have worsened in the past few months and continued monetary stimulus remains necessary. Also, the Reserve Bank of Australias (RBA) monetary policy board governed by Glenn Stevens retained its key interest rate at a record low of 2.5, in-line-with market expectations. Last week, the EUR traded 0.06 higher against the USD and closed at 1.3643, after the ECB announced a series of monetary easing measures to counter low inflation in the region. The Euro initially dropped after the ECB cut its key interest rate to a record low and included a negative deposit rate. However, the shared currency gained after the central bank announced a series of measures to boost the regions economy that exceeded market expectations. Among those, the ECB chief, Mario Draghi indicated that the bank had started work for the outright purchases of assets to boost lending in the region. In economic news, retail sales in the Euro-area advanced more-than-expected in April, while the second estimate from the Eurostat showed that the regions economy grew as initially estimated in the first quarter. The German factory orders rebounded in April, rising at the fastest pace in nearly a year. On Friday, Germanys central bank raised its growth projection for 2014, stating that the Europes economic powerhouse is on a robust growth path. However, dismal manufacturing and services PMI from the Euro-zone and Germany disappointed investors. During the week, the pair traded at a high of 1.3678 and a low of 1.3503. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.3538, with the next support expected at 1.3433. The first resistance is at 1.3713, and the next at 1.3783. Ahead this week, investors will keep a tab on the Euro-zones industrial production, employment change, trade and investor confidence data. Additionally, the German inflation for May will also be closely watched. In the last week, GBP traded 0.28 higher against the USD and closed at 1.6802. On the economic front, manufacturing activity in the UK slowed in May, though it remained in the expansionary territory for the 15th consecutive month. The construction and services PMI continued to remain in the growth phase. The Nationwide indicated that on an annual basis, house prices in the UK rose at the fastest pace in nearly seven years in May. Another report by Halifax revealed that the average house prices in the country rose 3.9 (MoM) in May following two months of declines. However, mortgage approvals slipped to the lowest in nine months in April. Data released on Friday indicated that the visible trade deficit widened in April, reflecting a decline in exports and rise in imports. At its policy meeting, the BoE kept its interest rate at a historic-low and the size of quantitative easing at 375 billion. The pair traded at a high of 1.6847 and a low of 1.6699 in the previous week. GBPUSD is expected to find its first support at 1.6718, with the next at 1.6635. Resistance exists first at 1.6866, and then at 1.6931. Ahead this week, investors will keep a tab on manufacturing, industrial and the NIESR GDP estimate in the UK. The USD traded 0.70 higher against the JPY over the past week, closing at 102.48. The Yen came under pressure following the release of dismal Japanese economic data. The leading index in Japan declined to a reading of 106.6 in April, better than the market expectations for a fall to 106.1. The coincident index fell to 111.1 in April from a reading of 114.5 in March. Japanese service sector activity index rose to a reading of 49.3 in May from 46.4 in April. On an annual basis, Japanese vehicle sales fell 5.6 in May, following an 11.4 decrease recorded in the previous month. Moreover, the Bank of Japan reported that monetary base in Japan rose 45.6 (YoY) in May, compared to a 48.5 increase recorded in the previous month. The pair traded at a high of 102.81 and a low of 101.86. The pair is expected to find its first support at 101.95, with the next support expected at 101.43. The first resistance is at 102.91, and the next at 103.34. Ahead this week, investors have their plate full with a raft of economic data including machinery orders, machine tool orders, consumer confidence and industrial production data. Moreover, the Bank of Japan policy meeting will also remain crucial. USD traded 0.18 lower against the CHF and closed at 0.8936 in the last week. The CHF recorded gains following the release of higher-than-expected domestic inflation data. Consumer prices in Switzerland climbed 0.2 (YoY) in May after staying flat in April and against the expectations for a 0.1 rise. On a monthly basis, prices gained a more-than-expected 0.3 versus the 0.1 rise in April. Additionally, domestic industrial activity for the first quarter rose at a faster pace compared to the previous quarter. Meanwhile, a report from Credit Suisse showed that manufacturing PMI in Switzerland fell to a reading of 52.5 in May from 55.8 in April. Market had expected a reading of 55.5. During the period, the pair traded at a high of 0.9038 and a low of 0.8908. The first support is at 0.8883, and the next at 0.8831. Resistance exists first at 0.9013, and then at 0.9091. Ahead this week, market participants would eye the Swiss retail sales data along with a slew of global macroeconomic reports. Last week, the USD traded 0.78 higher against the CAD and closed at 1.0931. The Canadian Dollar declined against the greenback, as the BoC maintained its interest rate at 1.0 and after the BoC Governor, Stephen Poloz, offered a dovish view on the Canadian economy. The Governor indicated that economic growth in the nation was weaker-than-expected in the Q1 2014, while low inflation continued to remain a major concern. He further cautioned that recent spate of weak domestic data have added to downside risks to the economy. Moreover, data showed that the Canadian merchandise trade balance swung to an unexpected deficit in April. The seasonally adjusted Ivey manufacturing PMI dipped to a reading of 48.2 in May. Furthermore, unemployment rate in the nation rose to 7.0, despite the economy adding 25,800 jobs in May, slightly higher than market expectations. USDCAD traded at a high of 1.0962 and a low of 1.0841 in the previous week. The first support is at 1.0861, with the next at 1.0790. The first resistance is at 1.0982, while the next is at 1.1032. Traders will keep a close watch on the Canadian housing starts, capacity utilization and manufacturing shipments data this week. AUD traded 0.24 higher against the USD last week, and closed at 0.9333. The Aussie began the week on a negative note, after a report revealed that the total number of building approvals issued in Australia tumbled for the third consecutive month in April. The AUD gained traction after data released showed that the Australian economy expanded at a faster-than-expected pace in Q1 2014. The AiG performance of service index rose to a reading of 49.9 in May, up from 48.6 in April. Also, retail sales in Australia added a seasonally adjusted 0.2 (MoM) in April. Meanwhile, the nation posted a seasonally adjusted merchandise trade deficit of A122 million in April. At its policy meeting, the RBA maintained its benchmark interest rate at 2.5 and stated that the monetary policy might continue to remain accommodative in order to support demand and growth in the economy. During the week, the pair traded at a high of 0.9360 and a low of 0.9229. The first support is at 0.9255, and the next at 0.9176. The first resistance is at 0.9386, and the next at 0.9438. Traders look forward to the NABs business confidence, Westpac consumer confidence and employment data from Australia ahead this week. In the prior week, Gold traded 0.28 higher and closed at USD1253.25, following the monetary policy announcement by the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB slashed its deposit rates to a negative 0.10 and also implemented a new long-term refinancing operation, incentivizing banks to lend money. Additionally, the bank chief, Mario Draghi outlined number of other liquidity-boosting measures and stated that the bank would intensify its preparatory work on the asset-backed security market, which proved beneficial for the precious metal. In the US, employment reports pointed to continued economic recovery, and reaffirmed investor expectations that the Federal Reserve would curtail its stimulus program by the end of 2014, though the data came modestly below the market expectations. The yellow metal traded at a high of 1258.10 and a low of 1240.39 in the previous week. Gold is expected to find support at 1243.06 and the next at 1232.87. The first resistance is at 1260.77, while the next is at 1268.29. Ahead this week, gold traders will be looking ahead to the US economic data for further indications on the strength of the economic recovery. Oil prices traded marginally lower against the USD in the last week and closed at USD102.66, on easing Ukraine tension and as US suspended its action on Iranian oil sanctions for the another six months. On Thursday, US indicated that Iran is fully co-operating with the US-led international community to address their concerns about its nuclear weapons program. Moreover, speculations rose that Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenkos peace-plan with Russia would ease oil supply concerns from the region. However, optimism that monetary stimulus in the Euro-zone will boost regions economic growth and fuel demand helped limit the oil losses. Also, oil prices were supported by weekly oil inventory data from the US. The American Petroleum Institute reported that crude inventories in the US fell 1.4 million barrels for the week ended May 30, while the Energy Information Administration reported a 3.4 million barrels decline in the US crude supplies. Oil traded at a high of 103.69 and a low of 101.60 in the previous week. Oil has its first major support at 101.61, while the next support exists at 100.56. The first resistance is at 103.70, and the next at 104.74. In the week ahead, investors will keep a tab on US economic data for further indications on the strength of the nations economy. Market participants will also monitor political situation in Ukraine, with tensions continuing even after the election of the new President. Forex Market Update 11Jun14 This morning, the greenback is trading mostly lower against most of the major currencies. The EUR is trading lower against the USD. Earlier today, an ECB policymaker, Ardo Hansson opined that the central bank should mull over QE measures and keep it on shelf for possible use. Meanwhile, yesterday, ECBs Jozef Makuch indicated that the central bank stands ready to act should its last weeks policy actions prove insufficient while German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble applauded ECBs recent policy measures amid low inflation rate in the region. Demand for the GBP rose after the ILO unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in more than five years in the three months to April while employment rose 345,000, the biggest increase since records began in 1971, thereby resulting in a fall in claimant count. The NZD is trading higher, ahead of the RBNZs decision on its key interest rates, which is widely expected to be raised in June. In a noteworthy event, the World Bank slashed its global growth projection to 2.8 in 2014, from earlier estimate of 3.2, citing concerns on factors such as, Ukraine crisis and unusually cold weather in the US. Furthermore, it also downgraded US economic-growth estimates to 2.1 this year from 2.8. Yesterday, in the New York session, the greenback traded mixed against the key currencies, amid lack of major economic releases in the US. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the EUR is trading at 1.3534 against the USD, 0.09 lower from the New York close. Earlier today, the World Bank, in its semi annual report, projected economic growth to pick-up in the Euro-zone and to meet its 1.1 target in 2014. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.3548 and a low of 1.3524. Yesterday, the EUR traded a tad higher against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 1.3546. However, earlier the EUR came under pressure as few ECB policymakers hinted that the ECB stands prepared to act further should it realize that its recent policy actions were insufficient. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.3517 and first resistance at 1.3555. At 9:40 GMT, the GBP is trading at 1.6789 against the USD, 0.21 higher from the New York close, as UKs April claimant count rate declined to 3.2 and after the UK ILO unemployment rate fell more than forecast to reach its lowest level in more than five years in the three months to April. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.6798 and a low of 1.6745. Yesterday, the British Pound traded 0.07 lower versus the Dollar in the New York session, and closed at 1.6754. The NIESR indicated that growth in the UK economy accelerated to reach its pre-recession peak in the three months to May. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.6750 and first resistance at 1.6815. The USD is trading at 102.06 against the JPY at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.28 lower from the New York close. Data released overnight showed that the BSI index on Japanese large manufacturers sentiment fell to a negative territory in the second quarter while an index measuring prices of Japanese domestic corporate goods rose at a faster than anticipated pace in May. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 102.41 and a low of 102.09. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.08 higher against the JPY, and closed at 102.35. The pair is expected to find its first support at 101.91 and first resistance at 102.32. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 0.9002 against the Swiss Franc, 0.11 higher from the New York close. Amid a lack of major economic releases in Switzerland, traders would eye global economic news for further cues in the currency pair. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9013 and a low of 0.8993. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.07 lower against the CHF, and closed at 0.8992. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.8989 and first resistance at 0.9014. At 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 1.0896 against the CAD, 0.07 lower from the New York close. Traders are expected to keep a tab on global economic news for further guidance in the currency pair amid a lack of major economic releases in Canada. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.0906 and a low of 1.0891. Yesterday, the USD traded 0.06 lower against the CAD in the New York session, and closed at 1.0904. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.0880 and first resistance at 1.0918. The AUD is trading at 0.9395 against the USD, at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.26 higher from the New York close. In economic news, the Australian Westpac consumer confidence improved in June. Separately, RBAs Sarv Girn urged Australian companies to adapt to new technology in order to avert a potential extinction. Meanwhile, the World Bank slashed its 2014 growth-forecast on China, Australias largest trading partner, to 7.6 in 2014. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9402 and a low of 0.9370. AUD traded marginally lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 0.9371. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.9364 and first resistance at 0.9414. At 9:40 GMT, Gold is trading at 1263.50 per ounce, 0.35 higher from the New York close. This morning, Gold traded at a high of 1264.90 and a low of 1258.80 per ounce. In the New York session yesterday, the yellow metal traded 0.20 lower, and closed at 1259.10. However, a weakness in the US equity markets kept the commoditys losses in check. Gold has its first support at 1255.63 and first resistance at 1268.13. Silver is trading at 19.25 per ounce, 0.37 higher from the New York close, at 9:40 GMT this morning. This morning, Silver traded at a high of 19.30 and a low of 19.17. Silver traded 0.16 higher against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 19.18, on increased off take by industrial units. Silver has its first support at 19.05 and first resistance at 19.37. At 9:40 GMT, Oil is trading at 104.69 per barrel, 0.40 higher from the New York close, ahead of EIAs weekly crude supplies data and the outcome of OPEC meeting in Vienna. This morning, Oil traded at a high of 104.79 and a low of 104.25. Yesterday, Oil traded 0.33 lower in the New York session, and closed at 104.32, as API reported a 1.45 million barrels rise in the US crude inventories last week and after the EIA revealed that US May crude production rose to its highest level in 26 years. It has its first support at 104.09 and first resistance at 105.17. World Bank trimmed its 2014 global growth forecast The World Bank lowered its 2014 global growth forecast to 2.8 from the 3.2 growth rate estimated in January 2014, citing the unusually cold winter in the US and the geopolitical tensions in Ukraine. The agency slashed its growth forecast for the US to 2.1 from its earlier estimate of 2.8 expansion. UK ILO unemployment rate fell more than market expectations in April The ILO unemployment rate in the UK fell to 6.6 for the February to April 2014 period, more than market expectations and compared to a rate of 6.8 recorded for January to March 2014. Employment in the UK rose more than expected in April The number of people employed in the UK rose by 345.0K for February to April 2014, more than market estimates of a rise of 270.0K and compared to a rise of 283.0K recorded for January to March 2014. UK claimant count rate declined as expected in May The claimant count rate in the UK fell to 3.2 in May, in line with market expectations and compared to a rate of 3.3 recorded in the previous month. Additionally, the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the UK declined by 27.4K in May, compared to a revised fall of 28.4K recorded in the previous month. UK average earnings rose less than expected in April On an annual basis, average earnings excluding bonus in the UK rose 0.9 for the February to April 2014 period, less than market expectations of a rise of 1.2 and compared to a 1.3 increase recorded for January to March 2014. Meanwhile, on an annual basis, average earnings including bonus in the UK rose 0.7 for February to April 2014, following a revised 1.9 increase recorded for January to March 2014. Australia Westpac consumer confidence rebounded in June On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, the Westpac consumer confidence index in Australia climbed 0.2 in June to a level of 93.2, compared to a 6.8 decrease and a level of 92.9 reported in the previous month. Forex Market Update 12Jun14 This morning, the greenback is trading mostly lower against most of the major currencies, ahead of the US retail sales and weekly jobless claims data. The EUR is trading lower against the USD even as the ECB, in its monthly bulletin, played down speculations for a deflationary situation in the Euro-zone economy. Yesterday, ECBs Yves Mersch hinted that the central bank could purchase asset-backed securities as a part of its QE measure while French Finance Minister, Michel Sapin applauded ECBs last week policy action to promote growth in the economy. Earlier today, the AUD came under pressure for a brief period of time after data revealed that net employment in Australia declined for the first time in five-months in May even as unemployment rate in the nation remained unchanged at 5.8 for the third straight month. Yesterday, in the New York session, the greenback traded mostly higher against the key currencies. Data showed that the US budget deficit shrank more than 6.0 from a year earlier to 130.0 billion in May. However, US Treasury Secretary, Jacob Lew expressed concerns on the present challenges faced by the US economy, despite data indicating that the economy has gained traction. In the UK, a BoE policymaker, Ben Broadbent, acknowledged the economic perils from housing sector in the UK economy while hinting that the central bank could tighten its policy measures only when markets risk appetite improved. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the EUR is trading at 1.3520 against the USD, 0.10 lower from the New York close. On the economic front, the ECB, in its monthly report, opined that Euro-zone economy does not seem to be on the brink of deflation, despite recent fall in inflation rate, while another official report showed that the monthly industrial production in the Euro-bloc rebounded twice-as much as expected in April. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.3550 and a low of 1.3522. Yesterday, the EUR traded 0.08 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 1.3534. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.3503 and first resistance at 1.3547. At 9:40 GMT, the GBP is trading at 1.6829 against the USD, 0.23 higher from the New York close. Earlier today, the RICS reported that its index on house price balance in the UK rose more-than-expected in May. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.6840 and a low of 1.6789. Yesterday, the British Pound traded a tad higher versus the Dollar in the New York session, and closed at 1.6791. A BoE policymaker, Ben Broadbent projected interest rate hike in the UK economy to be gradual due to the prevailing risks in the domestic housing market. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.6787 and first resistance at 1.6856. The USD is trading at 101.97 against the JPY at 9:40 GMT this morning, marginally lower from the New York close. In economic news, machinery order in Japan fell at a slower than anticipated pace in April, pulling back from a record jump in the previous month. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 102.15 and a low of 102.00. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded marginally higher against the JPY, and closed at 102.00. The pair is expected to find its first support at 101.84 and first resistance at 102.13. This morning at 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 0.9008 against the Swiss Franc, 0.12 higher from the New York close. With no major economic releases in Switzerland later today, traders are expected to keep a tab on global economic news, along with US retail sales and weekly jobless claims data, for further guidance in the currency pair. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9013 and a low of 0.8995. In the New York session yesterday, the USD traded 0.08 higher against the CHF, and closed at 0.8997. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.8987 and first resistance at 0.9021. At 9:40 GMT, the USD is trading at 1.0857 against the CAD, 0.09 lower from the New York close. Traders keenly await Canadas capacity utilization and new housing price data for further cues in the loonie. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 1.0872 and a low of 1.0858. Yesterday, the USD traded 0.18 lower against the CAD in the New York session, and closed at 1.0867. Moodys Investors Service lowered its outlook for the senior debt and uninsured deposits of Canadas seven largest banks to Negative, from Stable. The pair is expected to find its first support at 1.0840 and first resistance at 1.0886. The AUD is trading at 0.9401 against the USD, at 9:40 GMT this morning, 0.18 higher from the New York close. However, earlier the AUD came under pressure after data revealed that net employment in Australia fell for the first time in five months in May even as unemployment rate in the nation stood pat a 5.8 for the third straight month. During the session, the pair traded at a high of 0.9416 and a low of 0.9373. AUD traded 0.07 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 0.9384. The pair is expected to find its first support at 0.9362 and first resistance at 0.9428. At 9:40 GMT, Gold is trading at 1262.20 per ounce, 0.10 higher from the New York close. This morning, Gold traded at a high of 1262.80 and a low of 1260.00 per ounce. In the New York session yesterday, the yellow metal traded 0.21 lower, and closed at 1260.90. However, losses in gold prices were limited as a weakness in global equity markets and World Banks decision to slash its forecast on global economic growth bolstered the safe-haven appeal of the metal. Gold has its first support at 1258.70 and first resistance at 1265.60. Silver is trading at 19.24 per ounce, 0.26 higher from the New York close, at 9:40 GMT this morning. This morning, Silver traded at a high of 19.25 and a low of 19.15. Silver traded 0.39 lower against the USD in the New York session, and closed at 19.19. Silver has its first support at 19.15 and first resistance at 19.33. At 9:40 GMT, Oil is trading at 105.54 per barrel, 1.00 higher from the New York close. This morning, Oil traded at a high of 105.58 and a low of 104.35. Yesterday, Oil traded 0.11 higher in the New York session, and closed at 104.50, after the EIA reported a more-than-expected 2.6 million barrels drop in the US crude supplies last week and as fresh outburst of violence in Iraq renewed concerns on the supply-outlook of the commodity from the Middle East region. Separately, the OPEC left its production ceiling unchanged at 30 million barrels a day at its meeting in Vienna. It has its first support at 104.61 and first resistance at 106.02. ECB might resort to further monetary policy easing measures if needed, indicated ECBs monthly report The European Central Bank (ECB) in its monthly report for June 2014, indicated that the Euro-zone economy would continue to recover at a moderate pace in the second quarter of 2014 and the central banks inflation expectations for the Euro area over the medium to long term continue to be firmly anchored below, but close to 2.0. Euro-zone industrial production rose more than expected in April On a working day adjusted annual basis, industrial production in the Euro-zone rose 1.4 in April, compared to a revised 0.2 rise recorded in the previous month. Markets were expecting industrial production to rise 0.9 in April. German WPI declined less than expected in May On a monthly basis, Germanys wholesale price index fell 0.1 in May, compared to a 0.2 rise recorded in the previous month. Markets had expected the wholesale price index to decline 0.3 in May. France EU normalised consumer price index remained flat in May On a monthly basis, Frances EU normalised consumer price index remained flat (0.0) in May, compared to a similar change in the previous month. Markets had expected the EU normalised consumer price index to rise 0.1 in May. France current account deficit widened in April The current account deficit of France widened to 1.6 billion in April, following a deficit of 1.5 billion in the previous month. Australias consumer inflation expectations declined in June The consumer inflation expectations in Australia fell to 4.0 in June from a rate of 4.4 recorded in the previous month. Australias unemployment rate remained unexpectedly steady in May On a seasonally adjusted basis, unemployment rate in Australia remained unchanged at 5.8 in May, compared to the previous month. Markets had expected Australias unemployment rate to rise to 5.9 in May. Meanwhile, the seasonally adjusted number of people employed in Australia fell by 4.8K in May, compared to a revised rise of 10.3K recorded in the previous month.

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